All artwork(s) displayed on this website are representative of the inventory held by Sumit Mehndiratta. While every effort is made to keep information on artwork up to date, some of the artwork featured on this website may not be for sale or sold already. Contact the artist for more details on a particular artwork. All the works are provided by the artist on the website for the purpose of exhibiting them as photographs/soft copies of the original works for himself. If you wish to use the image for personal/publishing purposes (other than using it as an artwork), please contact the artist for his consent of using the images.
The artworks are original, not reproductions or serial prints, and are not digital art (if mentioned otherwise). In case of reproduction, serial prints and digital art, the artist holds all the copyrights to reproduce/print as a part of his respective edition numbers as a part of his practice.
If an artwork is not available for sale, the artist can provide on-demand images of alternative artwork of a similar quality/style.
Sumit Mehndiratta reserves the right to add artwork to or remove it from the website without notice. Changes or updates to the content of this site may occur without prior notice. No content on this site will add or modify any contract for products or services you may have with the artist.
While every effort has been made to provide accurate information, errors and omissions may occur. Consequently, Sumit Mehndiratta accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may result directly or indirectly from any advice, opinion, information, representation or omission, whether negligent or not, contained on this site.